The Carriage House Plus

Contact The Carriage House Plus

in Lewiston, Maine

The Carriage House Plus

1119 Lisbon Street

Lewiston, ME 04240

Thank you for contacting The Carriage House Plus! We will be unavailable from April 20th to April 27th.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will return any emails and messages as soon as we return. Thank you for your understanding.

A deposit is required when signing the contract. This can be discussed as well. After we have as much informtaion from you as possible, we will give you an estimate. An estimate is different than the contract and different than the invoice. An estimate gives you an idea of the costs based on the information you give us. The contract reserves the venue after you decide on a date and at which time a deposit is due. The invoice is for charge incurred that werent included in the estimate.

Contact The Carriage House Plus in Lewiston, Maine

Contact The Carriage House Plus in Lewiston, Maine, to reserve an event room and for catering. Our team works diligently to provide quality, friendly service to all of our guests. No matter the event, count on our staff to create a great atmosphere. We can accommodate guests for various events, including birthday parties, comedy nights, bridal showers, receptions, and much more. Check out our gallery to see if our event room is right for you. Located in Lewiston, Maine, we serve clients from the following areas of Androscoggin County and throughout the state of Maine:

  • Auburn
  • Sabattus
  • Greene
  • Leeds
  • Durham
  • Portland
  • Windham
  • Falmouth
  • Gardiner
  • Augusta
  • Freeport
  • Yarmouth

And everywhere in between and beyond!

Contact The Carriage House Plus in Lewiston, Maine.